Karen Esteves

After much trial and error and three rebuilds later, I am ready to deliver "Cali," a leporello book for a professional photographer, friend and neighbor. You may rightly ask, "What is a leporello?" 

A “leporello, “ is a method of parallel folding with the folds alternating between front and back. It is said that Leporello, a character in Mozart’s opera, Don Giovanni, inspired its name. The loyal and meticulous manservant, Leporello, provides an unexpected a bit of comic delight when he unfurls of a long list of his master’s liaisons.

This arrangement is usually well received because it feels like you get a bonus when you flip the book to continue reading. The layout provides an intimate visual conversation with the reader,  and ideal when you have many photos.

Will my little books ever become a financial success? Well, in a world of quick, mass production, probably not. Handmade and a limited edition.

Hard cover leporello containing 12 photos, alternating front and back. 

Hard cover leporello containing 12 photos, alternating front and back. 
